
Vielfalter – Why children benefit from outside learning environments

At the beginning of autumn many curious children got the chance to experience nature in a way they might not have before. With the “Vielfalter Schule” program young students go outside for a day to explore the local flora and fauna up close. A nature guide accompanies the kids on their learning journey and teaches them about the natural habitats around them. The environment is very important to us at GREENCHIPS and we wanted to support the “Vielfalter Schule” program, so a new generation of little scientists can understand the importance as well. They also get a sense of humanities responsibility for how we treat our planet earth by learning how everything is connected from the soil to the plants and animals. But why should a company like GREENCCHIPS even care about children playfully learning about the outdoors?

Supports multiple development domains
Nature is important to children’s development in every major way – kids playing outside helps them to grow intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and physically. Furthermore, it helps them to explore their own limitations.

Supports creativity and problem solving
Studies of children in schoolyards found that children engage in more creative forms of play in the green areas, as well as playing more cooperatively. Play in nature is especially important for developing capacities for creativity, problem-solving, and intellectual development.

Increases physical activity
Children who experience school grounds with diverse natural settings are more physically active, more aware of nutrition, more civil to one another and more creative. And if you have children of your own, playing outside with them could also help you to become more active.

Improves eyesight
More time spent outdoors is related to reduced rates of nearsightedness in children and adolescents. Grown-ups sitting in front of a computer all day could also benefit from spending time outside without looking at any screens.

Reduces stress
Green plants and the beautiful views of nature reduce stress among highly stressed children. Locations with greater number of plants, greener views, and access to natural play areas show more significant results.

In addition to the individual benefits gained by being connected to nature, there is a collective benefit shared by all of us. Generations before us have played outside when they were young and even today children all over the world still play outside, creating a unity of shared experiences. Our children are future caretakers of the earth. In order to raise adults who are passionate about protecting the environment and preserving our planet, they must first develop a deep love for it. The only way to enable children to grow comfortable in nature is to open the door and let them out to explore the wonder and awe of the natural world.

If you want to support the “Vielfalter Schule” program as well or if you want your kids to be part of it, you can find more information on the Inatura Website. For all our global readers: inform yourself about similar programs near you, there are a lot of cities and schools that offer outside learning experiences for children.
Having a closer look at nature.
Having fun in the forest.
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